Print Configuration Dialog Box

The Print Configuration dialog box is displayed by the system operation [PrintSetup] that is associated with the File/Print Setup menu item. It is also available from Edit windows and from the Workspace Explorer and Find Objects tools.

There are four separate tabs namely Setup, Margins, Header/Footer and Printer.

Note that the printing parameters are stored in the Registry in the Printing sub-folder

Setup Tab


Table 18: Print Configuration dialog: Setup

Label Parameter Description
Color scheme InColour Check this box if you want to print functions with syntax colouring. Note that that printing in colour is slower than printing without colour.
Color scheme SchemeName Select the colour scheme to be used for printing.
This text WrapWithText Check this option button if you wish to prefix wrapped lines (lines that exceed the width of the paper) with a particular text string
This text WrapLeadText Specifies the text for prefixing wrapped lines
This many spaces WrapWithSpaces Check this option button if you wish to prefix wrapped lines with spaces.
This many spaces WrapLeadSpaces Specifies the number of spaces to be inserted at the beginning of wrapped lines.
Line numbers on functions LineNumsFns Check this box if you want line numbers to be printed in defined functions.
Line numbers on variables LineNumsVars Check this box if you want line numbers to be printed in variables. If you choose this option, line numbering starts at ⎕IO.
Font Font Click to select the font to be used for printing. Note that only fixed-pitch fonts are supported.

Margins Tab

Table 19: Print Configuration dialog: Margins

Label Parameter Description
Use margins UseMargins Check this box if you want margins to apply
Left margin MarginLeft Specifies the width of the left margin
Right margin MarginRight Specifies the width of the right margin
Top margin MarginTop Specifies the height of the top margin
Bottom margin MarginBottom Specifies the height of the bottom margin
Inches MarginInch Specifies that the margin units are inches
Centimetres MarginCM Specifies that the margin units are centimetres

Header/Footer Tab


Table 20: Print Configuration dialog: Header/Footer

Label Parameter Description
Header DoHeader Specifies whether or not a header is printed at the top of each page
Header HeaderText The header text
Footer DoFooter Specifies whether or not a footer is printed at the bottom of each page
Footer FooterText The footer text
Prefix functions with DoSepFn Specifies whether or not text is printed before each defined function
Prefix functions with SepFnText The text to be printed before each defined function. This can include its name, timestamp and author
Prefix variables with DoSepVar Specifies whether or not text is printed before each variable.
Prefix variables with SepVarText The text to be printed before each variable. This can include its name.
Prefix other objects with DoSepOther Specifies whether or not text is printed before other objects. These include locked functions, external functions, ⎕NA functions, derived functions and namespaces.
Prefix other objects with SepOtherText The text to be printed before other objects. This can include its name.


The specification for headers and footers may include a mixture of your own text, and keywords which are enclosed in braces, e.g. {objname}. Keywords act like variables and are replaced at print time by corresponding values.

Any of the following fields may be included in headers, footers and separators.

{WSName} {WS} Workspace name
{NSName} {NS} Namespace name
{ObjName} {OB} Object name
{Author} {AU} Author
{FixDate} {FD} Date function was last fixed
{FixTime} {FT} Time function was fixed
{PrintDate} {PD} Today's date
{PrintTime} {PT} Current time
{CurrentPage} {CP} Current page number
{TotalPages} {TP} Total number of pages
{RightJustify} {RJ} Right-justifies subsequent text/fields
{HorizontalLine} {HL} Inserts a horizontal line
{CarriageReturn} {CR} Inserts a new-line

For example, the specification:

Workspace: {wsname} {objname} {rj} Printed {PrintTime} {PrintDate}

would cause the following header, footer or separator to be printed at the appropriate position in each page of output:

Workspace: U:\WS\WDESIGN WIZ_change_toolbar   Printed 14:40:11 02 March 1998

Printer Tab

Table 21: Print Configuration dialog: Print

Label Parameter Description
Name PrinterField The name of the printer to be used for printing from Dyalog APL.
Properties   Click this to set Printer options.
Where   Reports the printer device
Print   Allows you to choose between printing all of the current object or just the selection. Note that this option is present only when the dialog box is displayed in response to selecting Print.